The egg, naturally.

Eggs and nutrition

One large egg contains 6 grams of protein and 14 important nutrients such as vitamins A, D and E, folate, iron, and zinc. Because they contain all 9 essential amino acids, eggs are one of the few foods considered to be a complete source of protein.

Why are there different egg sizes?

Egg size depends on the hen’s age. Over time, hens lay larger eggs. Eggs are graded by weight, not circumference, at the grading station, and are then packed and labelled according to the following sizes: peewee, small, medium, large, extra large or jumbo.

Large eggs contain approximately:

  • 1.5 grams of saturated fat
  • 70 calories
  • 0 grams of sugar
  • 6 grams of protein
  • 185 milligrams of cholesterol
  • 2 grams of monosaturated fats
  • 1 gram of polyunsaturated fats
  • 70 milligrams of sodium
  • 0 grams of carbohydrate
  • 5 grams of fat

Eggs are
also rich in vitamins
and minerals

  • 6% vitamin D
  • 2% calcium
  • 6% iron
  • 2% potassium
  • 15% riboflavin
  • 15% vitamin B12
  • 35% biotin
  • 20% pentatonic acid
  • 20% iodine
  • 25% selenium
  • 0% molybdenum
  • 25% chloline

Did you know?

The colour of the yolk varies according to the hen’s diet. If the yolk is really pale, it’s probably because the hen eats wheat; if the yolk is dark, it’s a safe bet that corn is her favourite grain!

Egg white

  • 17 calories (approx.)
  • 0 gram of fat.
  • More than half the total protein, riboflavin, magnesium, potassium, and sodium are contained in the egg white.
  • About 66% of total egg weight.
  • If you’re looking for high protein and low fat, egg whites are the answer.

Egg yolk

  • 55 calories (approx.)
  • All egg fats
  • All vitamins A, D, E, and K
  • Approximately 34% of total egg weight.
  • Use egg yolks to add richness and creaminess to vinaigrettes and hollandaise.

What about cholesterol?

For many years, conventional wisdom considered eggs to be unhealthy because of their dietary cholesterol content. However, decades of research have proven that the cholesterol found in food (good cholesterol) has no effect on blood cholesterol levels (bad cholesterol) and in no way increases the risk of heart disease. Great news! You can enjoy eggs without moderation!

Fresh shell egg traceability

The traceability process allows us to trace an egg’s journey from the farm to the consumer and vice versa. At Nutri Group, we ensure traceability by using a set of codes printed on the egg or on the packaging.

Egg variety

Nutri Group’s Quebec grading stations code eggshells to easily trace each and every egg. The following information can be found on the shell:

QC : indicates that the egg was produced in Quebec.

XXXX : refers to the egg producer’s traceability code. You can also trace the farm from a code on the egg using the tool at the following link:

YYY : Julian day of grading

WWW :refers to the grading station’s unique identification code

  • Q12 : Nutri-Œuf St-Hyacinthe inc.
  • Q21 : Nutri-Œuf St-Lambert de Lauzon inc.
  • Q29 : Les Œufs Richard inc.

M27 : example of egg best-before date

Egg variety: specialty eggs are identified as Liberté and organic.

2020 JA 30

All Nutri Group grading stations code the different sizes of egg cartons (6, 12, and 18 ), as well as egg cases. Boxes are marked with a code providing the following information:

2020 JA 30 : example of egg best-before date

YYY : Julian day of grading

WWW : refers to the grading station’s unique identification code

  • Q12: Nutri-Œuf St-Hyacinthe inc.
  • Q21: Nutri-Œuf St-Lambert de Lauzon inc.
  • Q29: Les œufs Richard inc.
  • P-1: Maritime Pride Eggs
  • M-4: Countryside Farms
  • S-21: StarEgg

All this information is essential for efficient, accurate and fast traceability. Everyone involved in the fresh shell egg chain appreciates it.

Star Egg
Counstryside Farms
Maritime Pride Eggs
Supreme Egg Products