Star Egg

A Nutri Group business unit located in Saskatchewan.

Founded in 1966, Star Egg Company Ltd. is a Saskatoon-based company specializing in shell egg grading, distribution and marketing. Over the years, Star Egg has leveraged egg grading technology.

Our company partners with retailers and food service providers to distribute local, national and private brands in the areas we supply. We use best practices in food safety regulations, animal welfare, social justice, responsible sourcing and employment. Star Egg is owned and operated by the Harman family, Saskatchewan Egg Producers and Nutri Group.

Over one million eggs are graded daily. These eggs are distributed throughout Saskatchewan, Alberta, northern Canada and the Northwest Territories, while any surplus is shipped to Manitoba.

Our products
20 Products

We're proud to offer local families a wide variety of high-quality products bearing the Nutri Group seal.

Star Egg
Counstryside Farms
Maritime Pride Eggs
Supreme Egg Products