since 1987...

pickled eggs in vinegar!

our product

We’ve been farmer-owned since 1987

We know our business, and together we can do more. Nutri Group is built on a strong partnership. Born of a shared passion for eggs, five major farmer-owned divisions joined forces to serve consumers across Canada.

Learn more about Nutri Group

As a member of the
superfood family, eggs are one
of the most nutritious products
in your fridge.

On the surface, you’d think an egg was a simple thing. But crack open the shell and discover a goldmine of nutrients, vitamins and flavours.

Interested in learning more
about hens and eggs?

7 Range of

We are proud to offer a wide variety of regular and specialty egg products from regional farms across Canada.

Get inspired by tasty, easy-to-make recipes featuring our delicious eggs.

for everyone!

Frequently asked questions
Corporate Responsability
Star Egg
Counstryside Farms
Maritime Pride Eggs
Supreme Egg Products