How to prepare and cook an egg?

Health Canada recommends washing your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap for 20 seconds before and after handling eggs.

Since raw eggs may contain bacteria, it is advised to cook them, as well as egg-based dishes, to at least 74°C (165°F). Eating raw or undercooked eggs can be risky for young children, seniors, pregnant women, and individuals with weakened immune systems.

For no-bake recipes (such as frosting, eggnog, or Caesar dressing), it is best to use pasteurized eggs.

When is it safe to feed a baby with eggs?

Health Canada, the Canadian Paediatric Society, Dietitians of Canada and the Breastfeeding Committee of Canada recommend introducing whole eggs as early as six months or as soon as your child starts eating solid food. Research shows that introducing whole eggs early in a baby’s diet can help reduce the risk of developing an egg allergy.

What does the best-before date mean?

The best-before date on egg packaging refers to the length of time eggs will retain their Grade A quality, provided they are stored correctly. This date is usually 28 to 35 days after the date they are packaged. If you choose to use eggs after the best before date has past, make sure that they look and smell normal (odourless), and use in baking or other dishes where they will be thoroughly cooked. Throw away any eggs that smell rotten or bad upon cracking the shell.

Can raw eggs be frozen?

Raw eggs can be frozen unshelled. Simply crack the shell, remove it and place the egg in an airtight container. If you only want to freeze the yolk, add a pinch of sugar or salt to keep it from gelling.

Why do we keep eggs in the refrigerator?

The Canadian market offers eggs that have been washed, inspected, sorted and distributed according to size, weight, etc. When we wash eggs, we strip off the protective film on the shell, and the eggs must then be stored in the refrigerator to stay fresh. A low, even temperature limits moisture loss through the pores of the eggshell. Refrigeration keeps eggs fresh until the best-before date shown on the packaging.

Are the eggs prewashed?

All eggs are first sent to the grading station before being shipped to the grocery store. There, they are washed in a sanitizing solution and scrubbed with rotating brushes to remove any dirt or bacteria on the shell. There’s no need to wash your eggs at home.

Is it safe to eat an egg with a blood spot?

An egg with a blood spot is safe to eat. Blood spots are merely caused by a ruptured blood vessel during egg formation. They account for less than 1% of eggs and are usually sorted out from the rest. However, since it’s harder to see the blood spots in brown eggs, some can slip through among the others. If you like, you can remove the blood with the tip of a clean knife before cooking the egg.

How can you tell if an egg is fresh?

A fresh egg placed in a bowl of water will sink to the bottom, but an egg that is no longer fresh will float to the surface. This phenomenon occurs as moisture evaporates and air expands in the egg’s inner chamber over time. Even if an egg is less fresh, you may use it. However, always make sure that it looks and smells normal (odourless), and use it in baking or other dishes where it will be thoroughly cooked. Throw away any eggs that smell rotten or bad upon cracking the shell.

What is the best way to cook an egg?

The way you cook your eggs affects its nutritional value. To best maintain your eggs’ nutritional integrity, choose a cooking method that uses no fat such as hard-boiling or poaching.

Star Egg
Counstryside Farms
Maritime Pride Eggs
Supreme Egg Products